Combined Ayurvedic therapist &
diet and lifestyle consultant (800 hours)

Bespoke program to learn both theory and practice of Ayurveda in its modalities of diet, lifestyle and therapies.

  • In person classroom learning for a full academic year
  • Personal health coaching journey with Anu
  • 2 week panchakarma retreat at completion

This is a CMA accredited course to qualify as an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle consultant and a therapist

Apply for APA membership in Category E & F



Studying Ayurvedic nutrition and body therapies together offers a comprehensive approach to health with key benefits:

  • Holistic understanding of health and how various factors interplay to influence well-being.
  • Learning a tailored approach to suit clients’ specific needs, promoting personalised health strategies.
  • Ability to address the root cause of clients’ health concerns and promote healing on multiple levels.
  • Integrating diet, lifestyle, and body therapies can enhance the effectiveness of each component.
  • Cultivation of a greater awareness of bodymind connection and learn practices to support mental and emotional well-being alongside physical health.
  • Reliance on natural sources. This promotes sustainability and reduces the reliance on synthetic or pharmaceutical interventions.
  • Cultivation of habits that support long-term health and vitality. Rather than seeking quick fixes, Ayurveda encourages sustainable practices that promote wellness throughout life.
Anu Paavola, Ayurvedic practitioner, giving a shirodhara and Indian head massage at her ayurveda retreat in Dorset UK.
Class with teacher and students

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You can also take the questionnaire to see if you qualify for the program.

How much does it cost?

from £3300*

Payment plans available (see FAQ below)

Anu Paavola teaching Ayurvedic Courses

Course Information




Once enrolled in the program, the students will go through an initial assessment, which will determine the direction of the personal coaching journey, running alongside the classroom experience. Each student will have a 30 minute 121 session with their tutor once a fortnight.  

In person attendance classes are held every Monday and Tuesday evening from 6-8.30. Lectures are a blend of theoretical learning, practical demonstrations, and interactive discussions. Combined with students’ personal practical journey, the program will create profound learning experiences to increase confidence in their own practice once graduated.

Anu teaching and gesticulating with hands

The classroom experience aims to provide a comprehensive education in Ayurveda, equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to practice effectively in the field of holistic health and wellness.

Lectures are organised sometimes featuring experts from various fields related to Ayurveda, such as yoga therapy and meditation. These sessions can provide additional insights and broaden students’ understanding of Ayurveda’s interdisciplinary nature.

Students will have opportunities to observe ayurvedic techniques being performed by instructors and participate in hands-on practice under supervision.

Course curriculum

Lectures: Hello and Welcome; Routines; Timing; Mindfulness and Decision making; Nature and Origin of Ayurveda; Self-Regulation; Diet, Food & Nourishmen; Energy medicine & pranic pathways; Panchamahabhutas – The Five Basic Elements; Introduction to Gunas and Rasa; Introduction to Doshas; Seasonal Cycles; Introduction to Agni & Ama; Introduction to ayurvedic anatomy and physiology

Lectures: Introduction to Ayurvedic Body Work; Making connections & the opening sequence; Food habits and timing; Back massage; leg and foot massage

Lectures: The Three Pillars of Health; The Role of Beliefs; Body work: arms & abdomen; Sleep and Stress; Exercise; Weight management; Body work: chest and face; Imbalance and Recovery

Lectures: Satmya – What is appropriate; Spring diet; Summer diet; Winter diet; How to build an ayurvedic plate; Balancing doshas with food

Lectures: Dravya, Guna & Karma – The Concept of Substance; Outcomes of the ayurvedic approach; Abhyanga – Full body massage; The Main Gunas and Their Actions; Rasa and Doshas; Flavour and Aroma; Aftertaste and The Three Stages of Digestion; Synchronised Abhyanga

Lectures: Doshas and Gunas; Prakriti and Vikruti; Udvartana; Vata Dosha; Pitta Dosha; Kapha Dosha; Doshas and Life Cycles; Shirodhara

Lectures: What is Agni; Agni and Nourishment; Pinda Sweda; Digestive Toxins or Ama; Stages of Digestion; Assessment of Agni and Ama; Therapy Written Assessment I

Lectures: Seven Tissues and Their Side Products; Tissue Nourishment; Body work practical assessment I

Lectures: Seven Tissues and Their Side Products; Tissue Nourishment; Shrotas or Channels of Circulation; Detox Basics; Signs of Toxicity; Detox Foods and Herbs; Deep Cleanse or Panchakarma; Lymphatic System

Panchakarma retreat in a residential location in June 25

Outcomes of the course


Completing an Ayurvedic therapist and consultant program equips individuals with a range of skills and knowledge necessary to practice Ayurveda effectively. Here are the outcomes typically associated with such a program:

Deep Understanding of Ayurvedic Principles

Graduates have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, including  the concepts of doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), dhatus (tissues), malas (waste products) and how to harness the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit for healing purposes. 

Skill in Ayurvedic Therapies

Students learn various Ayurvedic therapies, including massage (Abhyanga, Udvartana, Pinda sweda),  steaming (Swedana), and Shirodhara (pouring of warm oil on the forehead). They will have aa thorough understanding of the dynamics of therapeutic massages and will develop proficiency in performing these therapies safely and effectively.

Dietary and Lifestyle Counseling

Graduates can provide personalised dietary recommendations based on Ayurvedic principles. They understand the importance of diet and lifestyle in maintaining health and can guide clients in making appropriate lifestyle modifications thus using food as medicine.

Client Management and Communication

Students learn effective communication skills and client management techniques. They can conduct thorough consultations, establish rapport with clients, and create individualised treatment plans based on the client’s needs and preferences.

Ethical and Professional Standards

Graduates understand the ethical guidelines and legal considerations relevant to Ayurvedic practice (we refer to Ayurvedic Professional Association). They uphold professional standards of conduct and client confidentiality.

Integration with Modern Healthcare

Students learn to integrate Ayurvedic principles with modern healthcare practices. They understand when to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and how to provide complementary care to individuals seeking holistic health solutions.

Continuing Education and Professional Development

The program emphasises the importance of lifelong learning and encourages graduates to stay updated with advancements in Ayurveda and related fields through continuing education and professional development activities.

Certification and Licensure

Graduates obtain UK certifications that enables them to practice as Ayurvedic therapists or consultants legally.

Overall, completing an Ayurvedic therapist and consultant program empowers individuals to promote health and well-being using the holistic principles of Ayurveda, contributing to the holistic healthcare landscape. 


About Your Teacher

Anu is the founder of Jivita Academy of Ayurveda and author of Ayurveda Detox: How To Cleanse, Balance and Revitalise Your Body.

She has been involved in education in Finland already when studying in the university of Helsinki in the Nineties. The real passion for teaching was inspired by her turn of career from language studies to Ayurveda. 

Trained in clinical Ayurveda, Anu released soon that to get results with clients they needed fundamental education on basic healthy living. Ayurveda is mainly about self-care and most of the times clients need help in understanding what is in their power to do.

Anu’s passion in education is also visible in client work. She is passionate about translating ancient wisdom of healing into modern context. She empowers her clients to take charge of their own health by increasing awareness in nutrition based on their individual needs. Incorporating her twenty years of practice and teaching of yoga Anu’s approach to healing is almost unique to anywhere in London or the UK.

Anu Paavola profile picture


CMA or Complementary Medicine Association is an accrediting body that develops evaluation criteria and conducts evaluations to assess the quality of our courses and that we meet their criteria for high level education.

APA – or Ayurvedic Professional’s Association is a voluntary register for professionals of Ayurveda. The APA maintains a register of Ayurvedic professionals in the UK who are bound by the code of ethics set by the APA and have full insurance (by e.g. Holistic Insurance).

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a few options when you plan for your course payments, which come with benefits the sooner you pay. Long term payment plans have an additional cost.

Full payment

Full Course Price: £3,500

Deposit: £500

Students able to make an immediate payment in full receive £500 discount. 

Payment plans:

You can arrange a monthly payment plan with Jivita Academy 

Other options: Longer plans e.g. for 12 months can be negotiated but will increase the full price with 10%

Our prices include VAT.

This program is designed to be a state-of-the-art experience of Ayurveda offered only by Jivita Academy of Ayurveda. The uniqueness of this program consists of the combined consultant and therapist training with an embodied experience of the learning material done as a 121 coaching with Anu.

This program is an in-person classroom experience.

The program is at level 4 and 5. At the end of the program students should be able at critically analyse the material and create diet and lifestyle plans for their own clients.

The students should have passed A level studies of equivalent.

We sign up only dedicated and motivated students who will show up on time in classes with completed assignments. Students need to show an effort of understanding what real healing by diet and lifestyle is. This program is dedicated to qualify the students as professionals and in order to qualify the students need to show willingness to experience the science of change in their own lives. This requires determination in adopting daily routines, an open mind, the ability to analyse the self objectively and a curiosity of the bodymind’s potentials to heal itself.

You will receive a letter to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing you will receive a welcome email and the access to the online portal. The email will detail the next steps, which will be planning for the first strategy call to define the personal transformation journey and setting up a date for the 121 calls. You will also be given instructions on how to sign into the Facebook group and how to access your personal G-Drive where student work is kept.

Students are recommended to take part in a 12 day residential retreat to consolidate their learning experiences by going through the panchakarma detox program together. 

Check out our retreat page for more details:

There is an extra cost of £150 per day. This can be included in course installments.

Free On-Demand Workshop

Not quite ready to commit? Check out our free on-demand workshop where you learn to use food as a medicine.

In this training you will learn a fresh model that allows you to practice and apply authentic Ayurveda by syncing with the seasons and timing your activities right.
Anu will lay out the Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle into an easy and fun everyday practice without complicated food lists and doshas to think about. THere’s no obscure terminology and – if you stay to the end – there’s even more more free learning material.

Get the Ayurveda Detox book

How To Cleanse, Balance and Revitalise Your Body

Ayurveda Detox Book Anu Paavola

Your course leader Anu is the author of Ayurveda Detox:  How To Cleanse, Balance and Revitalise Your Body, available from Amazon, Waterstones and Blackwell’s. 

Her book will inspire you to try pace your daily and seasonal rhythms in a way that additional detox programs become almost redundant. Ayurvedic living is detoxifying per se and if you haven’t experienced it yet, learn from this book and create a new detox program for yourself that not only cleanses you but teaches you habits of a lifetime. 

Find out more about Anu’s Ayurveda Detox book.

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