HELLO AUTUMN! We are now entering the third part of the annual life cycle, so I’d like to share some Autumn Ayurveda advice. It is the last part of the vegetation’s growth cycle when growth and reproduction are over and it’s time to start withdrawal ahead of the winter. Many instinctively feel the need to…

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Dharmic Syncing

DHARMIC SYNCING I saw a young actor recently. Back home, lounging on the couch watching telly I told my partner about this exciting sighting. Somehow, I couldn’t for the world remember his name but, as if by magic, there he was on the TV screen, right at the moment I needed to know his name….

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Ayurvedic Match Making

Ayurvedic Match Making   Have you ever wondered which body types go together well in a relationship? Match making is quite an intriguing topic when you consider all the qualities that are at play between the dosha types. Infinite scenarios pop into my imagination of opposites attracting or repulsing and similarities nourishing or consuming each…

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Detox Basics – Considerations before starting

Detox Basics No time like spring time to be on a detox. If you are considering doing it you are timing it right because, right now, the body is keen on loosing releasing the extra pounds we’ve piled on. That fat is also the storage of toxins. Season appropriate weight loss diet is always the…

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Our Eating Habits: Amorous or Amoral?

Our Eating Habits: Amorous or Amoral? Remember the film Amelie? One of my all time favourites, filled with endearing characters, particularly the rude shopkeeper’s one armed assistant. His deep affection for the vegetables he sells struck a chord with me.  Watching him lovingly caress his little endives is a reminder of the amorous relationship that…

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Autumnal Cravings and Aversions

Autumnal Cravings and Aversions   Last night it rained heavily. The sun showed his face in the morning but, nevertheless, it was cold and damp. Autumn has broken the summer’s neck. It felt like on Tuesday we enjoyed our last summery day in Kensal; a heavy damp heat which, for certain, is over now and…

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Social Isolation Time

Social Isolation Time   From an Ayurvedic perspective having a strong routine and a framework around which conduct our lives increases our tolerance levels and resilience. A solidly structured life decreases reactivity and reduces the incidence of losing control. But what if the structures around us start disintegrating as we have seen in the last…

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