How to be in the “Now”…. and then what happens?

Yoga and Ayurveda complement each other perfectly, but have you asked why? There are a couple of points to make but one of the main commonalities is that they both aim at helping us acting in the present. In the now we make better decisions and are able to judge the situation for what it is. The … [Read more...] about How to be in the “Now”…. and then what happens?

Detox Basics – Considerations before starting

Detox Basics No time like spring time to be on a detox. If you are considering doing it you are timing it right because, right now, the body is keen on loosing releasing the extra pounds we've piled on. That fat is also the storage of toxins. Season appropriate weight loss diet is always the best … [Read more...] about Detox Basics – Considerations before starting

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