Nature is the best healer โ€“ Afterthoughts from our Retreats

NATURE IS THE BEST HEALER - AFTERTHOUGHTS FROM OUR RETREATS Whatโ€™s the best thing about Nature in your opinion? For me, nature, especially forests and the sea in Finland, Mediterranean and UK are the places where I feel the oneness, the continuum of me and the life around me.Over the years I … [Read more...] about Nature is the best healer โ€“ Afterthoughts from our Retreats

Residential Panchakarma – ME and Burnout – Case study

Analysis47-year-old female with underlying Chronic Fatigue, acute BurnOut, Excess Weight, Skin problems, Lymphatic Congestion, Lump in the breastLocation: Wraxall Yard, Dorset, Jivita Ayurveda 12-day Panchakarma RetreatRead the full case study hereAyurvedically speaking, ME can be diagnosed a … [Read more...] about Residential Panchakarma – ME and Burnout – Case study

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