Hand on my heart confession

I have carried out body treatments for 12 years without major interruptions. What I have learned, having tried different techniques that both do and do not involve touch, is that there is nothing more healing than the touch of loving kindness by hands.Recently I have come to think about the power … [Read more...] about Hand on my heart confession

Nature is the best healer โ€“ Afterthoughts from our Retreats

NATURE IS THE BEST HEALER - AFTERTHOUGHTS FROM OUR RETREATS Whatโ€™s the best thing about Nature in your opinion? For me, nature, especially forests and the sea in Finland, Mediterranean and UK are the places where I feel the oneness, the continuum of me and the life around me.Over the years I … [Read more...] about Nature is the best healer โ€“ Afterthoughts from our Retreats


Everything is allowed in Ayurveda - Even Mushrooms Truth be told, Ayurveda does not say no to any food items that are in the seasonaL, organic and local list. Nevertheless, I find endless reels, memes and writings about how you should not have mushrooms, peanuts, tomatoes, aubergines, potatoes, … [Read more...] about EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED IN AYURVEDA โ€“ EVEN MUSHROOMS

Ayurvedic Match Making

Ayurvedic Match Making   Have you ever wondered which body types go together well in a relationship? Match making is quite an intriguing topic when you consider all the qualities that are at play between the dosha types. Infinite scenarios pop into my imagination of opposites attracting or … [Read more...] about Ayurvedic Match Making

Social Isolation Time

Social Isolation Time   From an Ayurvedic perspective having a strong routine and a framework around which conduct our lives increases our tolerance levels and resilience. A solidly structured life decreases reactivity and reduces the incidence of losing control. But what if the … [Read more...] about Social Isolation Time

Ayurvedic Tips for Corona Virus Management

Ayurvedic Corona Virus Management Tips We are witnessing something unique happening to humankind and nature around us. Observing the process unfold moment by moment is humbling. Scary as this all might seem we are already noticing the nature starting to react when there is a reduced … [Read more...] about Ayurvedic Tips for Corona Virus Management

Ayurvedic Thoughts on Global Warming

Ayurvedic Thoughts on Global Warming The climate change is real, most of us agree on that. Even many of the so-called deniers admit that the change is happening, although they may not agree on what or who has caused it. Nevertheless, the warming of our planet is a reality and we can observe it … [Read more...] about Ayurvedic Thoughts on Global Warming

The Ayurvedic Way Of Balancing and Regaining Energy During The Highest Vata Period

Hello Vata my old friend, Iโ€™ve come to be with you againโ€ฆ. Oh boy, we are getting closer and closer to the climax of vata! Every time period of the year of a specific dosha exhibits an increasing amount of their characteristic attributes by the end of that period. Summer, the pitta period, is at … [Read more...] about The Ayurvedic Way Of Balancing and Regaining Energy During The Highest Vata Period

The Two Best Ayurvedic Energy Hacks

Ayurveda offers a nice range of daily routines to make the best of our lives. Some of these are known to everyone like adequate sleep or brushing the teeth. Some recommended daily routines seem quite exotic like gargling oil. Others, at first impression, seem even toxic like inhaling herbal … [Read more...] about The Two Best Ayurvedic Energy Hacks

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